The Sons and Daughters with Destiny Youth Leadership Academy is a youth-oriented mentoring and leadership development program where youths between the ages of 11 - 17 receive empowerment workshops on such topics as: identity and self-esteem, leadership, relationship building, basic life skills as well as educational and career development. This curriculum is designed to enrich the lives of youth by presenting a wholesome program that will prepare them for future leadership roles within the community and in their schools.
This program uses such methods as; the arts, group projects team-building exercises, mentorship, pro-social activities, volunteerism, book clubs, and other creative educational methods to present a positive approach to developing our youth. This program has been used by juvenile justice systems, educational institutions, foster care programs, and the community at large. Our partners have included: Joseph Bradley of Treetop Quest Challenge, Foschie Bell of Dotenkinaito Martial Arts, Sustaining Urban Villages at the Outdoor Facility, Chinese Southern Bell, to name a few.
Breaking Through Glass Ceilings
These sessions will focus on helping each youth determine their purpose in life so they can pursue their destiny and develop leadership skills. As such, we have developed sessions that focus on establishing a healthy identity, leadership development, team building, and providing pro-social activities designed to build leaders