COVID19 Guidelines
Preparation Before Non-Virtual Sessions
Sanitizing Rooms – Cleaning and disinfecting common places (surfaces and objects).
Pre-COVID 19 Testing for all participants (facilitators, volunteers, staff and participants)
Temperature Checks
Masks / Shields
Classroom Setting (cohorting)– Desks with Shields with hand sanitizer on each desk and Clorox wipes on each desk. One Participant per desk with desk distanced per CDC Guidelines.
Preparation During Non-Virtual Sessions
Temperature Checks upon entering classrooms
Social Distancing – At least 6 feet away inside/outside.
Hand Hygiene - Washing hands -20 seconds with warm water/soap or using hand sanitizer when warm water/soap is not available.
Wearing Cloth Face Coverings (masks) and shields during regular sessions, group break – out sessions and outdoor activities. During outside pro-social activities where gloves are needed.
Classrooms designed with one 6 foot desk per participant with one shield. Desks will be socially distanced to accommodate 12 participants.
* Based upon CDC Guidelines