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COVID19 Guidelines


Preparation Before Non-Virtual Sessions


  1. Sanitizing Rooms – Cleaning and disinfecting common places (surfaces and objects).

  2. Pre-COVID 19 Testing for all participants (facilitators, volunteers, staff and participants)

  3. Temperature Checks

  4. Masks / Shields

  5. Classroom Setting (cohorting)– Desks with Shields with hand sanitizer on each desk and Clorox wipes on each desk. One Participant per desk with desk distanced per CDC Guidelines.


 ​​Preparation During Non-Virtual Sessions

  1. Temperature Checks upon entering classrooms

  2. Social Distancing – At least 6 feet away inside/outside.

  3. Hand Hygiene - Washing hands -20 seconds with warm water/soap or using hand sanitizer when warm water/soap is not available.

  4. Wearing Cloth Face Coverings (masks) and shields during  regular sessions, group break – out sessions and outdoor activities.  During outside pro-social activities where gloves are needed.

  5. Classrooms designed with one 6 foot desk per participant with one shield.  Desks will be socially distanced to accommodate 12 participants.


* Based upon CDC Guidelines

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